The Mr. Lodge Team

Our multilingual service team is happy to help

Our specialist departments at Mr. Lodge


Norbert Verbücheln
Norbert Verbücheln
CEO | Managing Director

Dietmar Schlüter
Dietmar Schlüter
Deputy Managing Director
Proxy | In-House Counsel

Questions to our Experts

Norbert Verbücheln
Norbert Verbücheln
CEO | Managing Director
+49 89 340 823-16

How long have you been active in the real estate industry / How did you first come to the real estate industry?
I have been working in real estate for over 30 years. Initially as a working student. As a student I worked in the real estate department of the former DG Bank and in two brokerage firms.
My enthusiasm for temporary housing led to the founding of a room-mate-agency back in 1989.

What do you particularly like about Mr. Lodge?
The team spirit with the employees and the daily new challenges. In addition, it is a place where diverse employees with different nationalities and international backgrounds come together.

What distinguishes Mr. Lodge for you?
The focus is on providing good service and the joy of dealing with people.

What do you particularly like about your profession?
The rich diversity of encountering people from very different backgrounds. To sense the joy and gratitude of our customers when they have found a nice home through us.

What profession would you have pursued if you had not become a broker?
A gardener and landscaper

Have you personally already made a property acquisition or sale?
Yes, but I keep it modest. If you are intensively involved in your job, you're glad to have some distance to the topic.

What would your dream estate look like?
A country estate surrounded by fields and meadows

What do you enjoy doing most outside your working hours?
Reading, cycling or taking walks

Dietmar Schlüter
Dietmar Schlüter
Deputy Managing Director Proxy | In-House Counsel
+49 89 340 823-21

How long have you been active in the real estate industry / How did you first come to the real estate industry?
For over 15 years now. Mr.Lodge was looking for long-term expertise in landlord consulting. My legal education, which I completed in Munich as an Assessor Jur., was a fitting match.

What do you particularly like about Mr. Lodge?
The good working atmosphere, the international staff, the combination of practical and legal enquiries in my daily work and also the relationship to our customers. In addition, I always experience Mr. Lodge as an innovative and at the same time down-to-earth agency; this mixture is exciting. And it is always great to observe how young colleagues in the company grow and thrive with their tasks.

What distinguishes Mr. Lodge for you?
Innovation, agility, customer closeness and an international working staff. Mr.Lodge is an authentic and in the best sense owner-managed company, with a corporate culture on a high level.

What do you particularly like about your profession?
Finding solutions for the questions of our customers. And of course the properties themselves: dealing with floor plans and finding solutions for the most efficient use of a property is always exciting.

What would your dream estate look like?
I have met it well where I live: really nice neighbours and beautiful gardens all around. The mountains and the ocean could be a bit closer.

What do you enjoy doing most outside your working hours?
Reading, hiking, getting together with friends and family. And listen to good music.

Services for Landlords

Lisa Hessner
Lisa Hessner
Head of Real Estate Rental

Dipl. in Real Estate (DIA)
Steven Meyer
Steven Meyer
Real Estate Rental Consultant

Real Estate Agent (IHK)
Kevin Radde
Kevin Radde
Real Estate Rental Consultant

Management Assistant in Real Estate (IHK)
Diana Tunjic
Diana Tunjic
Real Estate Rental Consultant

B.A. Immobilienwirtschaft
Verena Danner
Verena Danner

Questions to our Experts

Lisa Hessner
Lisa Hessner
Head of Real Estate Rental
Dipl. in Real Estate (DIA)
+49 89 340 823-45

How did you get into the real estate industry?
As a teenager I wanted to enter the hotel industry and see the world. A few internships later, I was smarter and knew I wasn't cut out for it. After half a year as an au-pair in Paris, I was interested in studying architecture. However, I soon realized that a pure desk job wasn’t for me and I wanted more diverse tasks.  I finally decided to pursue an apprenticeship as a real estate agent. In 2017 I transferred to Mr. Lodge and one year later I signed up for a part-time advanced training as a real estate manager. Mr. Lodge has been very supportive during this time. I am glad I made this choice and enjoy going to work.

What do you particularly like about Mr. Lodge?
The open-mindedness and people-centered approach.  I always feel that everyone is respected and welcome at Mr. Lodge. Whether it is a landlord, tenant or employee.

How would you describe your personal living style?
I currently live very urban in a small downtown apartment, so I keep the furniture rather simple yet modern with a few personal touches. I even have a self painted picture hanging in the apartment, for which I get the occasional compliment. I like it.

Any hobbies or hidden talents?
I started playing the guitar when I was seven and had 11 years of lessons. I like to play everything from classical to popular. In the past I even took part in some competitions, but in the last few years I have only had little time for it.

Which country would you like to visit?
I would like to travel to La Réunion, a very small French island in the Indian Ocean near Mauritius. I would love to see the diverse landscape with volcanoes, canyons, forests and the blue sea.

What do you like most in Munich?
Munich is a city with a pleasant size. Not as small as my home town, where you can never leave your house without running into someone you know, and yet not so big that people behave like total strangers. Here you even greet others on the street at times. I also enjoy the difference between the various districts.


Kevin Radde
Kevin Radde
Real Estate Rental Consultant
Management Assistant in Real Estate (IHK)
+49 89 340 823-103

In 2019 you started training as a real estate agent with Mr.Lodge. How did you arrive at this decision?
After my high school graduation, I enrolled for a degree in business administration. It was in the first semester that I realized pure theory wasn’t for me and that I leaned more towards the practical approach. I like to communicate and my parents always said I had a talent for sales. I did my research and the idea of being a real estate agent immediately caught my attention. I am happy with my decision and I like going to work and vocational school.

What sets Mr. Lodge apart?
As an apprentice at Mr. Lodge I get a wide range of knowledge and I am allowed to tackle real assignments. I am fully integrated and know I can rely on all my colleagues in the company.

What do you like doing when you are not at work?
I love all types of water sports. I'm part of the water rescue services and have already got my motor- and sailing boat license. In the winter I like to go snowboarding.

What does your dream real estate look like?
There are two types of properties I really like: a cool, modern penthouse apartment in Munich would be great, but there is also this beautiful villa on Lake Garda at the end of a peninsula with a driveway lined with cypress trees, which I’d love to live in.

If you could meet a famous person, who would it be?
Joko Winterscheidt. His show "Joko vs. Klaas – Das Duell um die Welt" is great. He also does a podcast with Paul Ripke, who I think is great. I like his spontaneous, relaxed manner and the way he is not afraid to make mistakes.

Best Munich sight or insider tip?
The "Eisbach" at the English Garden. I love seeing the surfers riding the waves in the middle of Munich. That’s one water sport I have yet to try out.

Services for Tenants

Felix Hensel
Felix Hensel
Head of Real Estate Rental

Real Estate Management Consultant (IHK)
Doris Palmiero
Doris Palmiero
Head of Real Estate Rental

Real Estate Management Consultant (IHK)
Gavin Carey
Gavin Carey
Head of International Affairs

Sara Vaerini
Sara Vaerini
Team Lead Real Estate Rental

Nicole Kaufmann
Nicole Kaufmann
Team Lead Real Estate Rental

Real Estate Agent (IHK)
Alessandra Fabiani
Alessandra Fabiani
Team Lead Real Estate Rental

Svenja Stephan
Svenja Stephan
Real Estate Rental Consultant

Giulia Fabiani
Giulia Fabiani
Real Estate Rental Consultant

Szilvia Cseresznyes
Szilvia Cseresznyes
Real Estate Rental Consultant

Anna Dokter
Anna Dokter
Real Estate Rental Consultant

Marlies Niggl
Marlies Niggl
Real Estate Rental Consultant

Real Estate Agent (IHK)
Stephanie Becker von Keitz
Stephanie Becker von Keitz
Real Estate Rental Consultant

Martina Ferrarotti
Martina Ferrarotti
On-Site Rental Consultant

Oliver König
Oliver König
On-Site Rental Consultant

Sema Orhan
Sema Orhan
On-Site Rental Consultant

Real Estate Agent (IHK)
Iva Marjanov
Iva Marjanov
Team Lead Assistance

Real Estate Agent (IHK)
Petra Schmid
Petra Schmid
Real Estate Rental Assistant

Claudia Heidenreich
Claudia Heidenreich
Real Estate Rental Assistant

Ute Kaluza
Ute Kaluza
Real Estate Rental Assistant

Real Estate Agent (IHK)
Pavels Misjukovecs
Pavels Misjukovecs
Real Estate Rental Assistant

Sabrina Di Giulio
Sabrina Di Giulio
Cleaning Management | Administration

Monika Simon
Monika Simon

Luca Bermes
Luca Bermes
Student trainee

Real Estate Sales Services

Jacqueline Sauren
Jacqueline Sauren
Office Management Real Estate Sales

Petra Berger
Petra Berger
Branch office manager

Dr. Cornelia Koronakis
Dr. Cornelia Koronakis
Real Estate Sales Consultant

Edda Pucher
Edda Pucher
Real Estate Sales Consultant

Thomas Engel
Thomas Engel
Real Estate Sales Consultant

Mavie Datz
Mavie Datz

Immobilienkauffrau (IHK), Immobilienökonomin (IREBS)
Alexander Thamm
Alexander Thamm
Customer Service

Real Estate Agent (IHK)
Lena Schiek
Lena Schiek

Questions to our Experts

Dr. Cornelia Koronakis
Dr. Cornelia Koronakis
Real Estate Sales Consultant
+49 89 340 823-546

How long have you been working in the real estate sector? Why did you decide to work in the real estate sector?
I have been working in the real estate sector since 2004. After my maternity leave I worked as a graduate lawyer at the Technical University. Afterwards I was in charge of various projects in an advertising agency and then came to the real estate sector through a relocation agency. Before I joined Mr. Lodge, I worked as a freelance real estate agent for property developers as well as for individual properties. I have been working at Mr. Lodge since 2017 and I feel very comfortable here.

What is it that you like most about your job?
The variety of properties and the contact to people. Because our company is international we also deal with many English-speaking customers, which I like very much.

What sets Mr. Lodge apart?
The great thing about Mr. Lodge is the entire background with photo service and interior design teams, as well as the friendly and supportive colleagues.

How do you like to spend your time outside of work?
I have a large garden, as well as a field with vegetables and fruits. So I spend a lot of time gardening outside. But I also enjoy sports, especially Chi Gong and belly dancing. Time with my family and friends is very important to me.

Have you personally bought or sold a property?
Yes, I bought my own 5-room apartment where I lived. The first sale was my own house, this is how I started out in the real estate sector.

What does your dream property look like?
A cottage or an apartment by the water, a lake, a river or preferably by the sea, but perhaps also in the mountains.

Edda Pucher
Edda Pucher
Real Estate Sales Consultant
+49 89 340 823-544

How long have you been working in the real estate sector?
Over 25 years.

What is it that you like most about your job?
The diverse range of properties and the people you meet.

What sets Mr. Lodge apart?
The all-inclusive service package of our technical service, photo department etc. All the support that Mr. Lodge offers is particularly convenient for sales.

How do you like to spend your time outside of work?
Mountain biking in the summer, ski tours in the winter.

Alexander Thamm
Alexander Thamm
Customer Service
Real Estate Agent (IHK)
+49 8022 981 31-2

What profession did you learn?

I have learned several professions. First, I trained as an automotive salesman and worked at a car dealership for 7 years. Then I graduated from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce as an insurance specialist and worked at Allianz until 2015. After that, I switched to the real estate industry and have now been with Mr. Lodge since 2021.

What sets Mr. Lodge apart for you?

The successful cooperation of the individual teams in order to serve the customer in the best possible way. The properties are well prepared for the customer from A to Z and all the necessary documents are gathered in advance. The colleagues work goal-oriented with a sound knowledge and no utopian prices are requested, but down-to-earth, normal prices. All customers are served the same way and each customer is offered something suitable, or we look for appropriate alternatives.

What would your dream property look like?

A spacious single-family house with a nice big garden, because I have discovered gardening for myself. I come from Hausham and the proximity to the Tegernsee offers me an enormous recreational value with the proximity to the mountains and lakes. The house should ideally be built in a typical Bavarian country house style with modern interior furnishings and nice big rooms for the kids.

What do you like best about Lake Tegernsee?

The proximity to the mountains and the many recreational opportunities such as hiking, biking and swimming. But I also love the proximity to Munich & the surrounding area, both can be reached very quickly.

Hobbies or hidden talents?

I have been passionately playing electric guitar for 33 years and have been an active member of the Faschingsverein in Hausham for 22 years. I was elected to the board of directors 10 years ago and we have around 500 members with a fanfare train and 3 active guards who also perform at weddings, birthdays and other celebrations throughout the year. The Elferratssitzung is especially popular, with up to 350 guests attending each event during normal times.

Do you have a favorite animal?

My favorite animal is the dog. My parents had dogs and so I grew up with them. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to have my own dog at the moment and my family and I would like to be able to be flexible for traveling. When I have more time, the children are a bit bigger and many travel goals have been fulfilled, then I would like to get my own dog.

Interior Design Services

Evelyne Lelowski
Evelyne Lelowski
Head of Interior Design

Rosina Anger
Rosina Anger
Interior Design

Jule Huschka
Jule Huschka
Interior Design

Ramona Ziereis
Ramona Ziereis
Interior Design

Technical Support Services

Falk Brüning
Falk Brüning
Head of Technical Support

Marco Rühmann
Marco Rühmann
Technical Support

Milan Tsintsev
Milan Tsintsev
Technical Support

Alwin Großkreutz
Alwin Großkreutz
Technical Support

Jürgen Lehmair
Jürgen Lehmair
Technical Support

Karin Nelson
Karin Nelson
Order and Administrative Processing

Sabine von der Forst
Sabine von der Forst
Order and Administrative Processing

Michaela Grundbuchner
Michaela Grundbuchner
Order and Administrative Processing

Front Office

Lani Tran
Lani Tran
Team Lead Front Office

Olena Shumska
Olena Shumska
Front Office

Züleyha Sakgün
Züleyha Sakgün
Front Office

Shina Singh Bhandal
Shina Singh Bhandal
Front Office

Immobilienmaklerin (IHK)

Photography and video service

Sascha Reicher
Sascha Reicher
Head of Photo, Video and Web Development

Gabriele Gratzl
Gabriele Gratzl
Exposé Management
Photo appointment coordination

Omid Mahdawi
Omid Mahdawi

Jacob Kanzleiter
Jacob Kanzleiter

Vincent Kracher
Vincent Kracher

Linus Boser
Linus Boser

Marketing and Communication

Angela Reipschläger
Angela Reipschläger
Head of Marketing & Communication

Kathrin Zellentin
Kathrin Zellentin
Marketing Manager

Xiaokang Walter
Xiaokang Walter
Chinese Market Specialist

HR & Administration

Cordula Simon
Cordula Simon
Head of HR & Administration

Palina Dvoeglasov
Palina Dvoeglasov
HR & Administration

Michaela Kunert
Michaela Kunert

Bettina Breckheimer
Bettina Breckheimer
Invoice Management

Sara Jane Di Salvo
Sara Jane Di Salvo

Branch office Rottach-Egern

Petra Berger
Petra Berger
Branch Office Manager

In Tegernsee Office
Alexander Thamm
Alexander Thamm
Customer Service

Real Estate Agent (IHK)

Questions to our Experts

Petra Berger
Petra Berger
Branch Office Manager
In Tegernsee Office
+49 8022 981 31-1

How long have you been in the real estate industry? How did you get into the real estate industry?
With almost 40 years of experience in the hotel and tourism industry, most recently 15 years at Tegernseer Tal Tourismus GmbH, I have always enjoyed finding temporary homes for guests. In recent years, I have also been responsible for the area of settlement management. I successfully connected potential investors with prospective buyers or operators. So it was obvious for me to move into the exciting field of real estate services and to train as a real estate agent and valuation expert IHK. Through my job as branch manager for Mr.Lodge in Rottach-Egern, a professional dream came true for me.

What do you like most about Mr. Lodge?
The trusting, free, good, but above all productive working atmosphere, the lived "together and for each other", the open acceptance into an international team and finally the exciting field of activity with daily new challenges.

Have you bought or sold real estate privately?
Yes, privately my husband and I have bought an older 70s row end house on the Tegernsee, which we have renovated and embellished over many years in self-effort. Our home has been christened with the affectionate name "Squeeze Villa".

How would you describe your private living style?
I would describe our style of living as " country - modern - cozy ".

What do you like to do outside of work?
My passion has become Lake Garda, in addition to the many opportunities offered by the Tegernsee vacation region. Here I enjoy the Italian life, the delicious Italian specialties, the weekly markets and playing golf in mild temperatures. A good book to relax is also never to be scoffed at.

Alexander Thamm
Alexander Thamm
Customer Service
Real Estate Agent (IHK)
+49 8022 981 31-2

What profession did you learn?

I have learned several professions. First, I trained as an automotive salesman and worked at a car dealership for 7 years. Then I graduated from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce as an insurance specialist and worked at Allianz until 2015. After that, I switched to the real estate industry and have now been with Mr. Lodge since 2021.

What sets Mr. Lodge apart for you?

The successful cooperation of the individual teams in order to serve the customer in the best possible way. The properties are well prepared for the customer from A to Z and all the necessary documents are gathered in advance. The colleagues work goal-oriented with a sound knowledge and no utopian prices are requested, but down-to-earth, normal prices. All customers are served the same way and each customer is offered something suitable, or we look for appropriate alternatives.

What would your dream property look like?

A spacious single-family house with a nice big garden, because I have discovered gardening for myself. I come from Hausham and the proximity to the Tegernsee offers me an enormous recreational value with the proximity to the mountains and lakes. The house should ideally be built in a typical Bavarian country house style with modern interior furnishings and nice big rooms for the kids.

What do you like best about Lake Tegernsee?

The proximity to the mountains and the many recreational opportunities such as hiking, biking and swimming. But I also love the proximity to Munich & the surrounding area, both can be reached very quickly.

Hobbies or hidden talents?

I have been passionately playing electric guitar for 33 years and have been an active member of the Faschingsverein in Hausham for 22 years. I was elected to the board of directors 10 years ago and we have around 500 members with a fanfare train and 3 active guards who also perform at weddings, birthdays and other celebrations throughout the year. The Elferratssitzung is especially popular, with up to 350 guests attending each event during normal times.

Do you have a favorite animal?

My favorite animal is the dog. My parents had dogs and so I grew up with them. Unfortunately, I don't have the time to have my own dog at the moment and my family and I would like to be able to be flexible for traveling. When I have more time, the children are a bit bigger and many travel goals have been fulfilled, then I would like to get my own dog.

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